Thursday, May 28, 2015

Some problems with Institut für Neuestestamentliche Forschung (INTF) List of NT papyri

P39 Wikipedia does better in several repsects.

  1. Institute: given as "Ambrose Swasey Library," not the Green Collection, Oklahoma City. (so does the IGNTP for that matter, although it mispells the name “Swabey”).
  2. The Bibliography takes note of the sales catalogue, although lsiting it three times is a bit excessive: Anonymus. “Sotheby’s Auktionskatalog ‘Fine Books & Manuscripts’, Auction in New York, 13-18 June,” n.d. 
  3. The is not referred to (P.Oxy. XV 1780).
  4. There is a  LDAB link, but no other ref. to Clarysse-Orsini’s re-dating, in Eph. Theol. Lov. 88 (2012), p. 462 and 470 [AD 275-300]).
  5. The transcription introduces a new editorial sign without explanation (at least I could not find a list of conventions). [ερχομαι] η̣*n που υπα- 
  6. The INGTP gives  [ερχομαι  κα]ι που υπα 
  7. The DDBDP uses a simple asterisk to identify an alternate reading: ""Variante κα]ὶ̣ aus Platzguenden eher nicht, anders Ell-Parker."

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